'Two kindred souls meet on a bus and fail to connect.'

Written, Directed and animated by Eno Enefiok

Made in isolation during lockdown 1, uk 2020

Music licensed from Epidemic sound
'Another Mild Winter' Ave Air


The puppets and sets were made over the course of 2 or 3 years, in between my freelance work as an AD and Producer.

In that time I've had to move twice and some of the sets and puppets didn't make it.

My flatmate moved out during lockdown 1, UK 2020, and I had trouble replacing him.

For the first time since I started this crazy passion project, I had the time and space to animate.

But with only one set left, my original script didn't work anymore.

So I just started animating, I figured the story will come if I just kept going.

This film is the result of that.